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Pledge cards are an integral part of GLOCKS DOWN MOVEMENT. Pledge cards are a way to engage the entire community, law enforcement included, to eradicate senseless gun violence and rebuild the relationship between law enforcement and citizens. Pledge cards are the size of credit cards in diameter and inscribed with your rights as a citizen and the constitution printed on it. Its purpose serves as a double entendre whereas it benefits the public and law enforcement. To have possession of a pledge card, one must swear before God/affirm and his community to not possess an unregistered firearm or be in the presence of illegal firearms at any time. Pledge card holders are to be a proponent of the GLOCKS DOWN MOVEMENT. 


The second purpose of the pledge card is to help alleviate the insidiousness of racial profiling by biased and bigoted law enforcement officers who truly have a no place in our community nor patrolling our streets. We have witnessed many times an overzealous law enforcement officer, namely city police abuse their authority by unlawfully targeting cars driven by minorities and subjecting them to unlawful searches. 


Possession of a pledge card will ensure that the citizen is treated with respect and fairness. For most misdemeanors the pledge card can be used as a mediating tool between law enforcement and a law abiding citizen. It acts as diplomatic intervention between two parties who are striving to achieve the same objective: stopping gun violence.


If a person is stopped by law enforcement for a minor violation (seat belt, speeding, "smelling of marijuana", etc, the pledge card can be presented to that officer with a drivers license and proof of insurance to be cited with a warning. This act gives the public a modicum of power to help facilitate the mending of distrust and respect between law enforcement and the urban community. It will also fortify the objective of stopping gun violence. 

Each pledge card holder will earn two warnings. Once those two warnings are exhausted the pledge card will become null and void. An exhausted pledge card can be updated and reinstated by purchasing another online or at a GDM facility. All pledge holders must update their pledge card annually. 


With the cooperation of law enforcement to honor pledge cards and the dedication of citizens pledge it will begin to rebuild the bridge of understanding and trust between law enforcement and the urban community to achieve a collective goal, to rally behind the cause that has become the bane of the American communities across the nation. Together we'll pledge to be better, to do better to hold each other accountable.

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